• UPT 24-14 and XPW 24-15 Graduation

    Thirty Undergraduate Pilot Training and Accelerated Path to Wings student pilots of Class 24-14 and 24-15, graduated on September 13, 2024, at the Columbus Event Center on Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi.

  • Final Call

    The giant voice speakers crackled as the notes of morning reveille signaled the start of the duty day, the firefighters gathered in the vehicle bay at the end of their 48-hour shift. Tired and with stiff shoulders they circled together around a dark brass bell. Today was different; today they

  • Training Pilots for the Post 9/11 World

    On Sept 11th, 2001, I was 18 and beginning my military career at the New Mexico Military Institute for a year of academic prep before attending the U.S. Air Force Academy. I was studying for my first class of the day when my mother messaged me saying something terrible was happening in New York.

  • Out but Not Down

    His condition; critical. Recovery; unlikely. Master Sergeant Anthony Dunn, 51st Security Forces Squadron, superintendent Osan Air Base, South Korea, passed his fitness test with ease, but without warning he would wake up in a hospital bed fighting for his life, not even knowing why.

  • Alley Cats Sharpen Their Claws

    Leading the way in pilot training and innovations in the classroom; the 48th Flying Training Squadron embarks on a squadron deployment to advance their aviation skills among several other sortie requirements.

  • National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

    September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and the Integrated Prevention Workforce team at Columbus Air Force Base is gearing up to bring more excellent connectivity to the installation.

  • Defender Readiness for Tomorrow

    Training and Readiness. These are the two biggest topics of discussion on many leaders minds these days as we contemplate the issue of dealing with our biggest pacing challenge of the 21st century…China. In February of this year, Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall III put it this way, “We

  • UPT Class 24-13 Graduation

    Seventeen Undergraduate Pilot Training student pilots of Class 24-13, graduated on August 29, 2024, at the Columbus Event Center on Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi. The UPT graduation ceremony officially marks the completion of initial flight training in the T-6 Texan II as students earn their

  • STEM Expo returns for Thunder Over Columbus

    The Columbus Air Force Base flight line will once again be a place of education and excitement for local area students during the 2024 Thunder Over Columbus Air Show and Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics event, only days before the official start of the air show weekend, September