CAFB UPT Class 25-03 Graduation

  • Published
  • By Airman Hayley Brown
  • 14 Flying Training Wing

Sixteen Undergraduate Pilot Training student pilots of Class 25-03, graduated on December 13, 2024, at the Columbus Event Center on Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi. The UPT graduation ceremony officially marks the completion of initial flight training in the T-6 Texan II as students earn their wings and begin the next phase of advanced pilot training for the Air Force’s newest pilots.   

Pilots advance to graduate training in one of two new programs: Air Mobility Fundamentals, or Fighter/Bomber Fundamentals. These new programs, like UPT, capitalize on and incorporate modern training tools and methods that provide a unique advantage through innovation.  

AMF currently leverages the “Mid-Tier Device,” a simulator that replicates the T-1A Jayhawk, to prepare graduates for mobility or tanker platforms. The Air Force’s first-ever F/BF class began at CAFB in June 2023. The new program both combines and streamlines legacy T-38 Graduate Pilot Training and T-38 Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals into a unified syllabus for graduates continuing to fighter or bomber platforms.  

The Class 25-03 graduation speaker was Col. Douglas C. Gosney, the retired Commander of the 14th Flying Training Wing. Col. Gosney was commissioned through the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps at Utah State University in 1995. He graduated Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training at Sheppard AFB, Texas, and was operationally assigned to the B-52. Col. Gosney previously served as the Commander of the 2nd Operations Gorup, Barksdale AFB, Louisiana. After which he supported several deployed operations, earning him a multitude of awards and medals. 

Students are also recognized with additional accolades through academic and professional military achievement such as: Order of Daedalians AETC Commander’s Trophy, Distinguished Graduate Award, Academic Award, Military Training Award and Flying Training Award.  

CLASS 25-03 Graduates  

2nd LT Cristopher J. Bates 

2nd LT Hally M. Bello 

2nd LT Rohan J. W. Fisher (Military Training Award) 

2nd LT Clare Catherine J.P. Hartnett (Academic Excellence Award, Air and Space Forces Association Award) 

2nd LT Jesse D. Haycraft (Air Education and Training Command Commanders Trophy, Distinguished Graduate Award) 

2nd LT Kevin M. Helfrich 

2nd LT Tai A. Kim 

2nd LT Tyrone A. Mack 

1st Lt Brittany N. Murphy 

1st LT Jacob H. Pitman 

2nd LT Jackson F. Powers 

2nd LT Matthew C. Price (Flying Training Award) 

1st LT Trevor D. Smiley 

2nd LT Kyle B. Tanyag 

1st LT Joseph N. Wittig