Aug. 11, 2020 14 FTW CC congratulates SUPT Class 20-20/21 graduates with speech Col. Seth Graham, 14th Flying Training Wing commander congratulated Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training Class 20-20/21 at their graduation ceremony August 7, 2020, on Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi.
Aug. 10, 2020 SLOs: Helping any, every school issue School liaison officers (SLO) have the job of making sure Airmen and their families have the best experience possible when dealing with their child’s education.The SLOs have various responsibilities including school transition support, deployment support, home school support, community connections,
July 20, 2020 McElhinney delivers final speech to SUPT Class 20-18/19 Col. Tom McElhinney III, 14th Operations Group commander, spoke at Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training Class 20-18/19 Graduation on Columbus Air Force Base, Miss.
July 17, 2020 Columbus AFB medical Airmen ensure readiness through TCCC The 14th Medical Group held the Wing’s first on-site Tactical Combat Casualty Care All Combatants course July 16, 2020, at the Kortiz Clinic, training 10 medics from Columbus Air Force Base. The course provides medics with life-saving skills in addition to tactical field care, tactical evacuation
July 16, 2020 Welborn takes command of the 14th MSG Col. Jeffery Welborn, 14th Mission Support Group commander, took command of the 14th MSG at a change of command ceremony on July 13, at Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi.
June 18, 2020 AFE Airmen keep pilots safe, flight equipment faultless Aircrew flight equipment specialists, responsible for maintaining flight equipment, keep aircrew members safe so that Columbus Air Force Base can complete its mission of creating pilots.
June 16, 2020 14th CPTS welcomes new commander Maj. Josh Mann assumed command of the 14th Comptroller Squadron during a change of command ceremony June 16, 2020, on Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi.
June 8, 2020 Johnson takes command of 14th CES Lt. Col. Tyler Johnson took command of the 14th Civil Engineer Squadron during a change of command ceremony June 3, 2020, at Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi.
June 8, 2020 Prouty takes command of 48th FTS Lt. Col. Nelson Prouty took command of the 48th Flying Training Squadron on May 21, 2020, at Columbus Air Force Base, Miss.
May 28, 2020 VCSAF and former 14th FTW commander congratulate SUPT Class 20-14/15 graduates Col. Samantha Weeks, former 14th Flying Training Wing commander, spoke at the graduation ceremony for Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training Class 20-14/15 on May 15, at Columbus Air Force Base, Miss.