June 14, 2019 14th MDOS departments cover wide range of responsibilities The Kortiz Clinic on Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi, is home to 14th Medical Group, who’s Airmen are responsible for taking care of thousands of Airmen, their family members and retirees.
March 8, 2019 Hub of the Kortiz Clinic: The 14th MDSS pharmacy Each year 109,000 prescriptions are written for over 18,000 beneficiaries, and each week roughly 1,500 patients seen by the 14th Medical Support Squadrons pharmacy technicians.
May 4, 2018 14th Medical Group’s care keeps Airmen flying high There are many stressors throughout a pilot’s career and being unable to fly because of a stuffy nose and a sneeze can cause a student to be pushed back if left untreated.
March 9, 2018 Our 14th MDG: Air Force award winners Two individuals from the 14th Medical Group earned Air Force level Awards for their hard work in 2017.
Feb. 23, 2018 Koritz Clinic lab puts patients first, increases efficiency The Koritz Clinic Laboratory Services Flight performs tests to give doctors conclusive evidence to properly diagnose individuals as well giving accurate diagnosis to confidently clear or retract a pilot’s ability to fly.
Sept. 29, 2017 Columbus AFB 2017-2018 flu season The 2017-2018 flu season is quickly approaching and with increased viral activity comes the need to be immunized.
Sept. 29, 2017 14th MDG blazes forward with ‘Lean Daily Management’ Ask any medic at the Koritz Clinic about Continuous Process Improvement, and you will likely be steered toward their section’s Lean Daily Management board and given an in-depth explanation about an ongoing project.
Aug. 11, 2017 Majkowski assumes command of 14th Medical Group Col. Douglas Gosney, 14th Flying Training Wing Commander, passes the 14th Medical Group guidon to Col. Guy Majkowski, the new 14th MDG Commander. Majkowski's was the Commander of the 48th Medical Operations Squadron at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, United Kingdom. (U.S. Air Force photo by Sharon