• CAFB celebrates AAPI Heritage Month with observance

    The 14th Flying Training Wing celebrated Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, or AAPI, with an observance event on May 19, 2022, at Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi.The observance took place at the Columbus Event Center and featured multiple speakers with AAPI heritage, videos and

  • FAIP heritage aircraft revealed

    The 14th Flying Training Wing unveiled its newest heritage series painted aircraft on May 13, 2022, at Columbus Air Force Base, Miss.

  • AFSOC commander inspires UPT Class 22-09

    Undergraduate Pilot Training Class 22-09, consisting of 23 officers, graduated from UPT, on April 6, 2022, at Columbus Air Force Base, Miss.U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Jim Slife, commander of Air Force Special Operations Command, was the distinguished speaker for the graduation ceremony.

  • Columbus AFB chapel celebrates 80 years

    Columbus Air Force Base celebrated the 80th anniversary of its chapel with a ceremony on April 5, 2022, on Columbus AFB, Miss.Built in 1942, the chapel is recognized as the oldest standing building at Columbus AFB. It is older than the U.S. Air Force branch itself.

  • 14th CES wins dual AETC awards

    The 14th Flying Training Wing’s Civil Engineer Squadron brings home the gold with not one but two Air Education and Training Command 2020 Civil Engineer Awards.

  • Columbus AFB medical Airmen ensure readiness through TCCC

    The 14th Medical Group held the Wing’s first on-site Tactical Combat Casualty Care All Combatants course July 16, 2020, at the Kortiz Clinic, training 10 medics from Columbus Air Force Base. The course provides medics with life-saving skills in addition to tactical field care, tactical evacuation

  • Welborn takes command of the 14th MSG

    Col. Jeffery Welborn, 14th Mission Support Group commander, took command of the 14th MSG at a change of command ceremony on July 13, at Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi.

  • Prouty takes command of 48th FTS

    Lt. Col. Nelson Prouty took command of the 48th Flying Training Squadron on May 21, 2020, at Columbus Air Force Base, Miss.