• Ceremonial guardsman recognized

    It is tradition for senior leadership to present airmen with a coin for exceptionally demonstrating the Air Force core values of integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do.

  • 14th FTW's Year in Photos

    Here are some of the top moments of 2018. (U.S. Air Force video by Staff Sgt. Joshua Smoot)

  • Fight’s On: Airmen Hackin’ the Mish takes place Dec. 7 on Columbus AFB

    Columbus Air Force Base will be hosting Fight’s On: Airmen Hackin’ the Mish Dec. 7 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Columbus Club and is open to all 14th Flying Training Wing officers, enlisted and civilian Airmen.The event is a professional development day for Airmen to connect with each other by

  • CFC 2018 begins at Columbus AFB

    The 14th Flying Training Wing kicked off the 2018 Combined Federal Campaign Oct. 31 and it will run until Dec. 1. This year’s campaign theme of “Show Some Love” truly represents the spirit of the CFC and further bridges the gap between Columbus AFB and the local community. This year's goal is

  • What’s a change of command?

    Every change of command on Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi, begins with these words: “From ancient times, armies throughout the world have conducted ceremonies to commemorate victory over the enemy, to honor comrades in arms, and celebrate special occasions, such as the change of command."