Dec. 13, 2018 Airmen ‘hack the mish’ through professional development Members of the 14th Flying Training Wing attended Fight’s On: Airmen Hackin’ the Mish, a professional development day, Dec. 7, at the Club here. This Airmen development initiative hosted representatives from various combat career fields from across the Air Force. 14th FTW Airmen listened first-hand
Nov. 30, 2018 Fight’s On: Airmen Hackin’ the Mish takes place Dec. 7 on Columbus AFB Columbus Air Force Base will be hosting Fight’s On: Airmen Hackin’ the Mish Dec. 7 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Columbus Club and is open to all 14th Flying Training Wing officers, enlisted and civilian Airmen.The event is a professional development day for Airmen to connect with each other by
Sept. 25, 2018 AFPC increases transparency of DSD assignments The Air Force’s Personnel Center has revised the way it delivers notifications for Airmen selected for Military Training Instructor (8B000) and Military Training Leader (8B100) Developmental Special Duty assignments in an effort to create more commander involvement and increase transparency in the
July 18, 2017 Air Force announces enlisted PME redesign Air Force officials announced major changes to the enlisted professional military education program today via an initiative called Enlisted Professional Military Education for the 21st Century, or “EPME 21.”