March 3, 2020 Air Force releases senior master sergeant/20E8 promotion cycle statistics 20E8 promotion statistics
July 10, 2019 Air Force selects 9,467 in 19E6/technical sergeant promotion cycle Air Force officials have selected 9,467 staff sergeants for promotion to technical sergeant out of 29,328 eligible for a selection rate of 32.28 percent.
Dec. 6, 2018 Air Force releases chief master sergeant 18E9 promotion cycle statistics Air Force releases chief master sergeant 18E9 promotion cycle statistics
Aug. 16, 2018 51.12 percent selection rate confirmed for 18E5 promotion cycle Air Force officials have selected 15,669 senior airmen for promotion to staff sergeant out of 30,651 eligible for a selection rate of 51.12 percent.
May 15, 2018 Air Force selects 6,176 in 18E7/master sergeant promotion cycle; list posts May 23 Air Force officials selected 6,176 technical sergeants for promotion to master sergeant in the 18E7 promotion cycle. The promotion list will post May 23.