COLUMBUS AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. -- The 14th Flying Training Wing hosted the last monthly Base Community Council meeting for 2024 on November 13, at the Columbus Event Center, on Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi.
The BCC is a community organization that supports the interest of military and civilian communities through mutual understanding and joint participation in common activities. These meetings provide the installation with the opportunity to update the community about events happening at the 14th Flying Training Wing.
Annually, CAFB provides an economic impact of $531 million into the local economy and created $204 million in jobs around the community.
The motto of the BCC is “Connecting Our Communities to Our Air Force Base.” It was formed as a community support group for CAFB.
During BCC events -- such as luncheons and professional development seminars -- the installation highlights members of the base from the groups and squadrons. The High Time Flyers are pilots who have earned the most flying hours in the past 90 days. The Airmen Recognition spotlights personnel who have done exceptional work in their units.
The Group Spotlight is a member of the installation that speaks about their impact on the Columbus community and CAFB. This BCC Luncheon highlighted the following individuals.
High Time Flyers: Capt. Stu Evers, Capt. Alex Colizzo, 1st Lt. Jason Boettcher
Airmen Recognition:
14 Operations Group: Senior Airman John Lim, Capt. Henry Baron, 1st Lt. Robert Crawford, 1st Lt. Garrett Sheehan, Senior Airman Elizah Rodriguez, Maj. Nicolas Grossman, Senior Airman Dominique Johnson
14 Mission Support Group: Airman Bryson Cassidy, Ms. Lakezia Hunt, Tech Sgt. Kelsey Schnoblen, Airman 1st Class Xavier Gilman, Airman Basic Dakotah Santiago, Airman 1st Class Jesus Barba
14 Medical Group: Senior Airman Hannah McCormick, Airman Monaishelle Philantrope
14 Wing Staff Agencies: Airman Joseph Curzi
Mission Support Group Spotlight: Senior Airman Hannah McCormick