Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Ryian Caviness
  • Health and Wellness Center
The holiday season is upon us once again. Traditionally, this time of the year has been synonymous with a decrease in diet management. Holiday feasts combined with inactivity can make the holidays a time of regret when it comes to food. Here are a few tips that will allow you to enjoy your holiday favorites while maintaining your weight.

· Don't overeat: Portion sizes definitely increase during the holidays. Try to maintain small portions and avoid seconds.

· Choose healthier foods: Try to stick with low fat foods like vegetables, fruits, white meat instead of dark meat, or cider verses eggnog. White meat contains 70 percent less fat than the dark meat per serving size and eggnog contains 200 calories more per serving size than apple cider. Be conscious of the choices you make.

· Limit alcohol consumption: Depending on the type of alcohol you select, there can be a significant increase in the amount of calories and carbohydrates you consume. When choosing to drink, consider enjoying alcohol derived from fruit such as wine or champagne or choosing the "light" version of a beer. Avoid mixed drinks made with a blender. Most contain over 250 calories per serving size depending on the contents.

· Eat before attending holiday parties: Most party snacks aren't healthy, but they are always plentiful! It is best to enjoy a light, healthy meal before attending holiday parties. This will help you avoid eating too much unhealthy food at social gatherings.

· Exercise when you can: Trying to fit exercise in during the holiday season can be challenging. Incorporate a 30 minute jog or walk early in the morning to jump start your metabolism to help burn those extra calories. Ask friends or family to participate.

· Eat slowly: It often takes about 20 minutes for your brain to realize your stomach is full. Eating slow and savoring your food will allow you to keep your portion sizes in check and consume fewer calories.

Food and the holidays go hand in hand. You don't have to deprive yourself of your favorite holiday foods if you enjoy them in moderation. By following these tips and eating smart, you can enjoy the holidays without any unnecessary weight gain. For more tips on how to stay healthy and fit over the holidays, contact the HAWC at 434-2477.