COLUMBUS AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. -- With summer just around the corner, it’s time to start planning activities. But before you do, check out the 14th Force Support Squadron’s Outdoor Recreation services.
Outdoor Recreation’s purpose is to provide Team BLAZE with multiple outdoor activities for a affordable price.
“We are here to offer opportunities to [Airmen and their families, civilians and retirees] to rent recreational devices,” said Dee Driver, 14th FSS Outdoor Recreation aid. “It allows people to do outdoorsy activities in their off hours in order to boost morale.”
The shop offers multiple types of equipment to suit anyone’s needs. Examples of the type of equipment are camping, fishing, hunting, sports, poker, boating, bikes, carnival games, bouncing houses, lawn and gardening, RVs, paintball and much more.
To see prices and available equipment, please visit or call (662) 434-2507.