VBS rounds up CAFB youth

CAFB youth sing and worship at the Avalanche Ranch Vacation Bible School hosted by the Chapel Wednesday. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Airman 1st Class Danielle Powell)

CAFB youth sing and worship at the Avalanche Ranch Vacation Bible School hosted by the Chapel Wednesday. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Airman 1st Class Danielle Powell)

COLUMBUS AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. -- The Avalanche Ranch Vacation Bible School staff hosted 114 youth for a week at the CAFB Chapel.
Youth attended VBS from 9 a.m. until noon starting Monday through today.
During the VBS, youth were given a bible point everyday. Throughout the day that point would be the focus point of the daily activities. Each point was also accompanied by a bible buddy, a paper animal with the bible point of the day on the back. Each youth was given this buddy to take home with them and so they remember that bible point for the day.
Monday's bible point was "God is real." Tuesday's was "God is with us," and Wednesday's was "God is strong." "God is awesome" was the bible point for Thursday. And "God is in charge" was the point for today.
Every morning the youth would meet in the chapel to have morning worship. During this time they would sing songs and learn about the daily lesson.
After the morning worship, each group broke off to switch between the seven stations. Each crew, as they were called, had about five to seven youth with one crew leader. The stations included crafts, theater, snacks, and fitness in the gym, among other activities. Each activity was tied to the bible point of the day. At the end of the day, the youth come together again for a "round-up." Here they were able to see themselves on a power point presentation, and they were able to reflect on the lessons they learned that day.
"The groups are what we call 'families.' Each group has children from different age groups. This way the older kids can interact and help the younger kids. It works out great," said Denise Bowlan, director of the Avalanche Ranch Vacation Bible School.
Mrs. Bowlan said her favorite part of the program was the morning worship because she loves "seeing all the children in one room worshipping ... It almost brings tears to my eyes to see them all in there. It really warms my heart."
Today all parents of the youth who attended VBS are invited to enjoy a final round-up, where they will be able to see the activities their children enjoyed and took part in during the week. This event will begin at 11:30 a.m. at the Base Chapel.
The Officer's Spouses' Club will provide a lunch today for all the volunteers who helped out during the week at the base chapel. "Without the OSC providing lunch, we would not be able to do that this year. We appreciate it a great deal," said Mrs. Bowlan.
For more information on this event or other Chapel sponsored events, call 434-2500.